Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Mic is Open!

Screen shot 2014-03-02 at 9.10.22 PM
Public performance and getting in front of an audience of complete strangers is no easy feat. But performers at HPU’s Open Mic event this past Friday sure made it seem easy! This semester HPU’s Campus Activities Board sponsored an Open Mic/ Bubbies Ice Cream social at the Downtown campus’ Sea Warrior Center. Slam poetry, music and song were all welcomed on stage during the event.
Students that showed up at the event all had a good time.  While performances were going on, students were given mochi ice cream from Bubbies to nibble on and enjoy. Each of the performances was truly unique, and the slam poets at the event really helped to uplift the spirit in the room. Physical performance is a great form of self expression for many. For student’s especially, who are going through a lot in life, and have a lot on their minds, performance is a great way of unleashing bottled up emotions or stress.
MochiIceCreamMany of the performances at the day’s event were impromptu. A lot of the students who had just so happen to be at the Sea Warrior Center at the time of the event, saw how much fun many of their fellow classmates were having, and decided to go up and perform a piece of their own. There was not much prior promotion done for the event, as details about the event only started becoming available and dispersed during the earlier part of the week.
All performers at the event had a great time. After each performance, students would walk off the stage with huge smiles, and be welcomed with waves of applauses. Not to mention, students who had not perform, and were simply at the event to watch the performances, also had a great time. Many praised the mochi ice cream that was available at the event. The event very fun, and provided a great opportunity for students to unwind and hang out. It was also an awesome way to end the school week, and head into the weekend.

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