Thursday, September 5, 2013

Digital Media: Our True Friends or Secret Time Eaters?

Life in the 21st century is a buzz with everyone hocked to some sort of digital media as they go about their daily lives.  A walk down through downtown Honolulu, and one is bound to find almost every person attuned to some type of digital media.  For the older generation it may be as simple as the Apple I-Pod, while the more tech-savvy millennials walk around fitted with the newest Samsung Galaxy S4.  We have in many cases made media our closest friends, but could certain media be simply a waste of time?

Digital Media: The Best Friend

As a millennial myself, my personal favorite type of media to use is of course digital media.   I carry my smartphone with me everywhere I go, and it is always within a 10 feet radius of my physical being.  Digital media is my best friend, and my personal favorite type of media because information can simultaneously obtained by users as it is published by creators.  Digital media also allows for an enormous amount of varied information to be presented to users.

 Digital Media: The Secret Time Eater

As much as digital media can make ones life easier, and bring new information almost instantaneously to one's finger tip, it also secretly works to chip away, and eat at one's time.  With the wide array that digital allows users to access, one can easily become distracted with the information being presented and offered.  Your intention may be for example to use digital media to look up information for a project, but just as easily as you find this information, you can become engrossed for hours on end in on what's trending on your Facebook feed. 

For all that digital media has to offer to its users, it also takes away something in return.  To truly be an intimate friend with digital media, one also allow it to become his or her secret time eater.

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