Saturday, January 25, 2014

Pro Bowl

Pro Bowl time is here! With only a day left before the big game, excitement around the island, and around the country for that matter, is brewing. Though I am not myself a huge fan of the game, I have volunteered in the past to be a part of the mosh pit at the game. For the past couple of years HPU (Hawai‘i Pacific University) has been helping out, and provided volunteers for the games mosh pit.

In the previous year I had volunteered in the mosh pit with my registered student organization, PRSSA, but this year have not. In order to volunteer for the games, students would have to go through two days of grueling practice, but practice is never boring, and students are rewarded with the opportunity to up front and personal with the performing musical talent as well as free tickets to the game. From HPU, as well as other organizations, there are a few hundred people who end up being a part of the mosh pit.

As I said, although I am not a big fan of the game myself, I do not necessarily keep up with the teams and players, but I do love hearing about the bets that happen, as well as nice plays. Personally, I have come to know a few people who do bet quite a bit of money on the game, and losing big in the end. Here on the islands, many families like to get together during the pro bowl and have big parties. Since the game is usually on a Sunday, many families will bring their kids with them to a relatives or close family friend's home to watch the game.

I am slightly nostalgic about not volunteering with my friends at the Pro Bowl this year, but hopefully I can still find someway to incorporate the day's game into my day in a fun way!